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Storm Reid Discusses Hair

The 18-year-old actress who's known for movies such as A Wrinkle In Time, Euphoria, and The Invisible Man, just to name a few; opens up about how it is behind the senses when it comes to Black hair.

“It has been a struggle for me specifically on sets when it comes to the hair disparity and people not just knowing how to deal with Black hair,” she stated during an interview with People. “And, in a way, it feels dehumanizing…when it’s the time for your hair to look nice and there’s nobody on set to be able to help you achieve that. They really just don’t understand Black hair care. It’s disheartening and it’s heartbreaking.”

The interview continued with Storm discussing her eureka moment when she was filming on the set with Film producer and director, Ava Durvernay in A Wrinkle In Time. “I think that changed my life,” Storm explained. “It changed the way I saw that we can have these Black department heads really be there and take care of you.” She continued to say, “from that point on unless I have braids and I know how to take care of them myself, I’ve requested on every set to have someone — whether they’re the department head or not — who understands my hair, that cares about Black hair care, that is actually listening to me.” The actress has also partnered with Dark and Lovely to provide young Black women between the ages of 18-25 scholarships that are attending a four-year majoring in marketing, communication, business, finance, and stem through NAACP. The scholarship is called Building Beautiful Futures.

The importance of our hair experiences should never be underestimated. How we handle the way people perceive us will ultimately be based on how we perceive ourselves which helps make us who we are. We need to continue to embrace our Love for our hair and embrace a routine of self-care. Love Is Essential is here for that!


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