10 Things You Could be Doing Better for Your Skin
The skin is the largest organ of the body. It is unique in terms of texture, complexion/ tone for each and every individual. We proudly wear it every day being that it is a major part of our physical appearance and identity, so why not show it some extra love daily?
Why not aspire to have the healthiest, most clear, and youthful version of your skin you've ever had?
You deserve it!
The Skin goals we will keep in mind are to:
Smooth and Even-tone
Say goodbye to acne
Nurture inside out
Moisturize and protect
Let's get started by looking at a few things we could be doing more of to have healthier and more vibrant skin!
1. Deep clean your pores on a regular basis.
If you have been seeing a lack of natural shine to your skin, the black
heads, white heads, and ingrown hairs have been popping up like crazy,
then it’s time to do something about it! First start with a gentle cleansing
product, such as our whipped Shea butter soap. Then do a 3 minute steam
treatment to open those pores. Lastly, get a good moisturizer. We greatly suggest our mango apricot butter, booty butter, and calendula argan lotion for sensitive skin. You may use it on your whole body. These will keep your skin moisturized all day long.
2. Take the time to massage your skin the proper way.
You may think you are doing the right thing by your skin but are you
really? Many times, it’s not only what you apply to your skin but also how
you apply it that counts. If you pull or rub your skin downwards, you’re
actually promoting a galore of wrinkles and saggy skin in the years to
come. Oh no! There’s a way to prevent that from still being a problem
though…massage your skin in a circular upward motion instead with gentle skin products (see #1).
3. Don’t let acne ruin your photo day!
It always seems like the pimples and the redness want to show up at the
most inconvenient times. You find yourself popping zits and praying for a
miracle that it will clear up at least by the next morning if not the next few
hours. Well, if this is something you can relate to, then this tip is for you.
First start by washing your face with one of our gentle moisturizing bars
(remember to rub it in your skin in circular motion). Then, treat your dark
4. Do more daily to nurture your skin inside out.
If you want healthy and youthful skin that you can be proud to show off
if you wanted to, then there’s a few changes you’ll have to be willing to do It starts with your lifestyle. Evaluate how you’ve been eating, sleeping,
supplements you haven’t been taking and work on these areas. Studies
have shown that a balanced diet and stable sleep pattern can dramatically
improve your overall health. We recommend eating meals throughout the day that incorporate vitamin E, omega- 3 fatty acids, biotin, collagen, selenium, and vitamin A to boost your skin's health and appearance.
5. Keep eczema and psoriasis under control.
We know this can be hard to do and frustrating, but it is very doable! Like
we mentioned in #8 health starts from within. The first thing you want to
do is avoid or minimize foods that trigger breakouts like sugary foods,
nuts, over processed, dairy, and artificial preservatives/colors. This will
prevent breakouts and accelerate healing. Next, you want to incorporate
things in your diet like flax meal, omega -3 foods, pro- biotics, zinc, vitamin
e/ c, and herbal supplements like Astralagus root to fortify immune health.
The third thing to do is avoid heavily scented hair/skin products and stick
with scentless products such as our eczema bar which gently exfoliate
removing dead skin and soothe irritation. This soap contains ingredients
that can help with psoriasis as well.
6. De-stress and smile more!
Studies have shown that decreasing the level of stress in your life will
increase overall well-being. Even if you don’t have the time to “relax” at
the moment, take some time to find something that brings you joy a few
minutes each day! As a result, not only will you feel better, you’ll also look
more radiant.
7. Drink plenty of water!
There is no magic pill for beautiful skin. In fact, there are two types of
people in this world: those who have great genes for flawless skin, and
those who attain nice skin with a bit of effort. Despite this observation, the
fact is drinking lots of fluids daily benefits everyone. If you are the latter,
then staying hydrated will do wonders especially for the appearance of
your skin, because water flushes out any toxins from within that cause
breakouts, chronic dryness, andalso helps control excessive oiliness.
8. Don’t shun the sunshine!
There are many misconceptions about the sun being bad for your skin.
The truth is, a little bit of exposure to direct sunlight (15 minutes) is
beneficial for your skin because it activates the skin cells to produce
Vitamin D, which assists in skin repair and healing.
9. Exfoliate your skin more often.
It's a really good idea to exfoliate your skin especially during winter months because it helps to shed dead skin cells and promote new skin regeneration. Some people prefer to exfoliate daily, but twice a week or twice every other
week is sufficient enough.
10. Stay clear of products that don’t treat your skin with care.
It may seem like a no- brainer, but sometimes the skin products we’ve been using don’t quite agree with us the way that it should. The signs that it’s time to go for something different, and something better is when we notice that it doesn’t take long for our skin to become dry once again, we notice extra sensitivity or irritation. The best products are often the ones you don’t need to use a whole lot of to get the result you desire, and they simply feel great on your skin.
Thank you so much for reading, stay lovely,
and feel free to leave your thoughts and ideas about
skin care in the comment section below!